Nov 25, 2012 · Comments
I’m so fortunate to live near a Trader Joe’s. They sell some of the best coffee at very reasonable prices. This blend is nice and smooth but not as dark as many of the others I like. I give it an A.
Nov 23, 2012 · Comments
Occasionally I want to take my computer someplace where my standard Swiss Gear messenger bag just doesn’t provide enough protection. For me this includes places where a third party might handle my bags roughly or where I might get rained on.
For these places I use a Pelican 1085 case. Though Pelican specifies this case as being for 14″ laptops it fits the MPBr 15″ perfectly.
By “perfectly” I mean its perfect in the X and Y axes and actually a little big in the Z axis, so I use a combination of liners available for this case.
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Nov 20, 2012 · Comments
I thought this was a great overview of how to do it right!
Nov 13, 2012 · Comments
HardwareRaspberry Pi
I just got a pretty good deal on a brand new Samsung monitor for use with the Raspberry Pi at Best Buy. I found this Samsung 20″ on sale in my local store. This is about the cheapest display that I have seen with an HDMI connection at $129.99.
It’s a Samsung S20B350H. It’s Currently listed for $159.99 at both New Egg and Best Buy so if you see it on sale and need a cheap display with HDMI this might be for you!
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Nov 11, 2012 · Comments
Standing Desk
For kicks, here is a shot of my standing desk in use:
Nov 11, 2012 · Comments
AppleComputersHardwareOS XThis vs. That

Apple Thunderbolt Display The Apple Thunderbolt Display, It’s almost perfect…
Tight Pixel Pitch (.233) Thunderbolt connection with docking station capabilities Cons
Lower resolution than the Retina Display You can only use it on a Mac (with Thunderbolt) Which one to buy? What I really want is an Apple Thunderbolt Display, but buying the Apple Display has some drawbacks. Number one is that I am pretty spoiled by the Retina Display on my MacBook Pro, and I would really like to get a HiDPI external display to go with it.
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Nov 11, 2012 · Comments
Raspberry Pi
Updated on 11/11/12
So after using these for a few months we decided not make them our primary Pi cases. The reality is that if you keep the lid off all the time you are OK, but there is not really enough room inside these to make all the connections you need to make.
For someone that just wants a stand for the Pi to sit on while they work, and leave the board exposed to the air, these are probably great.
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Nov 6, 2012 · Comments
Standing DeskWorkspaces
I’ve succumbed to the urge to acquire a standing desk. I find that I am trying to work on my software projects in the evening after getting home from my day job and I am hoping that standing will help me stay more alert.
I would really like to have a GeekDesk, but $1.1k seems like a lot to spend in order to try it out. LifeHacker has several how-to articles on the topic of putting together a cheap standing desk, but none of them are very attractive, or adjustable.
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Oct 30, 2012 · Comments
AppleAppsComputersHardwareiOSOS X
It looks like the days of “leather” texture and torn paper in Apple software are over! I have more optimism than ever that Apple is on the right course and will likely continue to make products I want to buy.
Oct 24, 2012 · Comments
AppleOS X
This link helped me a ton when I was trying to rid my MacBook Pro of multiple entries for the same program in Finder’s right-click “Open With…” menu. It wasn’t something that stopped me from getting things done, it just annoyed the heck out of me.