Favorite Apps for Raspberry Pi

We’ve had the Radpberry Pi running for a few weeks now and after a few hiccups with SD card corruption I think we’ve stumbled on a stable configuration and I wanted to share a few of our favorite apps.



This is a drawing program designed just for kids and it has lots of fun sound effects and that sort of thing. It runs really well on the Pi and my kids have been wearing it out. One of the best things about it is how much it helps the kids develop the fine motor control they need to operate the mouse.


Install it on the Pi using this command in the terminal: sudo apt-get install tuxpaint



DosBox provides emulation for Microsoft’s old DOS. You can’t do everything that DOS could do, but you can play most of the popular DOS games and that’s what’s really important. We have been using it to run the next entry in this post.


Install it on the Pi using this command in the terminal: sudo apt-get install dosbox

The Oregon Trail Game

Oregon Trail

So many memories… of dying an excruciating death alone in the wild. And we can’t wait to replay it over and over again. There isn’t a native version of this for the Pi (that I could find) but it runs just fine on the Pi via DosBox. You can find some good instructions about how to get it and run Oregon Trail running in DosBox over at eHow.com.

Read up on your Oregon Trail history at Wikipedia.

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