How-To Setup DNSMadeEasy Dynamic DNS on a Synology
Sep 21, 2013 · CommentsHow ToKnowledge Base
I had a lot of trouble finding any help to get Dynamic DNS (DDNS) set up between a Synology NAS (a great product!) and DDNS service so I thought I would post the solution that I worked out in case anyone else was looking.
1. Set up your DDNS domain on
The wrinkle that throws in the mix is that instead of the domain being updated, they use a unique ID number that’s generated when you save a record with the “Dynamic DNS” box checked.
After creating the record keep track of the password and the ID. You’ll need them later.
2. Add the DDNS provider for on your Synology NAS
If you open the DDNS control panel on your Synology (Control Panel > ezCloud > DDNS) you will notice that there is no option on the service provider menu.
To add the Service Provider you need to SSH into the terminal. If you need help setting up terminal access check out this tutorial on the Synology wiki.
Once you have terminal access use vi to edit the /etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf file with this command.
$ sudo vi /etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf
The vi editor can be found on almost every POSIX system. It can be confusing for people who have never used it before, so if you need help with vi check out this cheat-sheet and tutorial.
Add the entry to the end of your ddns_provider.conf file as shown in the following Gist on Github:
We are actually using the same provider as DynDNS and only using the “hostname” variable to support’s “id” variable. I was a little concerned that the Synology would do some sort of validation on the HostName field and bounce the string of numbers as invalid. But fortunately they don’t and we can use that field to supply the ID without any further customization.
Save the file and reopen the DDNS control panel on the Synology.
3. Setup DDNS on your Synology NAS
Now you should have the option in the “Service Provider” field. Put your “Dynamic DNS ID” from into the “Hostname” field. Use the email address associated with your account for the “Username” field, and the “Dynamic DNS Password” from the record in the “Password” field and “Confirm password” field. Hit apply and if your status says “success” you are in business!